Sunday, April 29, 2012

How-to Pause a Linux Process

  1. Run ps or ps aux to find the PID of the process you want to stop.
  2.  kill -STOP 7727 but replace the number with your own process PID
  3. To continue execution of xeyes, run kill -CONT 7727, again with your own PID

Ubuntu One fails to launch from a terminal

If Ubuntu One fails to launch from a terminal chances are it will not auto launch in start up either. To fix this:

Open Applications->Accessories->Terminal and run:
  u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login ubuntuone-preferences;
  sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/ubuntuone
  rm -rf ~/.cache/ubuntuone
  rm -rf ~/.config/ubuntuone
  mv ~/Ubuntu\ One/ ~/Ubuntu\ One_old/
Open Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys, go to the Passwords tab, delete the Ubuntu One and Desktopcouch tokens by right-clicking on them and selecting "Delete"
Back in a terminal session, run:
  u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -c

sudo cannot resolve the local hostname

If you get:
sudo cannot resolve the local hostname
Just go to terminal and type:
sudo nano /etc/host
Ensure that the following lines exist       localhost       replace this with your laptop/computer name
Hopefully this will remove your problem.
